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Alix LeForge
Mar 21, 2023
In Success Stories
✨10 weeks committing to myself, 50 workouts 💪 ✨Down 6.2 lbs ✨Down 1 inch in my waist Rest of the measurements are moving right along in the appropriate places 😜 Been counting macros with the 1st phorm app since November. Not always perfect but definitely consistent 🙂 ✨Take those pictures ✨Take those measurements ✨They'll show so much more than the scale 🙌
Just keep being consistent  content media
Alix LeForge
Mar 10, 2021
In Meal Plans and Macros
Having trouble getting those veggies in? Start the morning with them 👊 I love scrambled eggs with spinach... it's my staple breakfast. This week I've been purposely adding 2svgs of spinach to my eggs 😋 not an egg fan? You could add spinach to your morning shake it doesn't change the flavor, just an added dose of morning veggies 🙂
Spinach and scrambled eggs content media
Alix LeForge
Mar 10, 2021
In Meal Plans and Macros
I use my superfood shake (or any other protein powder) a bit of water Mix up until it's batter consistency I add a tsp to tbsp of pb melted and some fruit and enjoy 😋 It's a sweet treat that will help curb your cravings without undoing your day.
Chocolate superfood brownie batter  content media
Alix LeForge
Jan 04, 2019
In Meal Plans and Macros
Now these portions are based on my height, weight and caloric needs as we know everyone is different. But these flat breads are the bomb! 😋 1/3 cup sauce 16 turkey pepperoni 34g of cheese Hearty handful of green bell peppers I made mine in the toaster oven and what I found helpful from it falling apart is toasting the flat bread before making it.
Healthy pizza content media
Alix LeForge
Jan 03, 2019
In The dpoe Experience
This sports bra is seriously the most comfortable bra I have ever worn. When I was training for my half marathon I wore it on numerous long runs and it did not chafe or anything...I loved it so much I wore it during my Freep International Half. These pants are really comfortable too and I feel very confident when wearing them and anyone who knows me knows I rarely wear close fitting clothing. New year, new athletic wear, confidence on a whole new level.
Comfortableness 👊💪 content media
Alix LeForge
Jan 03, 2019
In Success Stories
In my early 30s my twin brother and I were told we had high cholesterol. He choose to control his with pills and minimal diet change. I did not want to become dependent on pills when I can easily fix it with improving my eating habits. I have always been active throughout my life...high school and college. Taking time off for babies, injuries and life...working out has never been the hard part. After cleaning up my diet and not only seeing the changes in my body but my cholesterol levels are now low enough they only need to be checked yearly. I am turning 37 this year and I am going to keep on improving the version of myself for my family and health. Slow progress is still progress so keep going everyone 🥰💗
Beating high cholesterol and more 👊 content media

Alix LeForge

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